
Analogue witterings…

Wood or Plastic?

Choosing, head, heart or ?

I have a number of boats bookmarked on Apolloduck. All at the cheaper, older end of the scale. It’s what the economics demand…

The oldest is a very nice condition sloop built in Mahogany on Oak, well looked after, the youngest by 10 years is a heavily built GRP boat (the same as I owned previously.)

My conumdrum is whether to go for the older wooden boat and live my Analogue life style, but, then have the pretty intensive ongoing upkeep potentially or to go for the GRP boat that, if needed, can take a bit less upkeep and still be secure in its capabilities. The head says the latter, the heart the former..!

It’s not quite the time to make the call. Hopefully I can still have the choice in another month or two. Both these boats are in a condition that I can use as is. Then update/uipgrade in the short term.

I have some ambitious plans/dreams… But essentially this will probably become my permanent home, so I need to choose appropriately.

  • yacht
  • sailing
  • craft
© matthew@analoguelife | 2024-02-02 13:44