
Analogue witterings…

Winter Pruning

I managed an hour out of doors today.

The winter sun and heavy frost encouraged me out..!

Leycesteria formosa removed to give one of the Apple trees a bit more room. Although I like Leycesteria, it is a bit invasive and I’ve not kept on top of these plants the last couple of years.

Also, around the back of the house another quite invasive shrub Cornus sericea that has crept in from hers next door (who knows about as much about plants as a fish). Yes, it has some nice colour in the stems , but is pretty rampant and difficult to get rid of once established…

Anyway with the last of the coffee and a Mince Pie, as the sun sets for another cold night, it made me feel a little bit more up.

© matthew@analoguelife | 2024-01-09 15:25