
Analogue witterings…

Social Media

I have a couple of social outlets - Bluesky & Mastodon.

Primarily focussed around the film photography communities and more generally art, fountain pens.

I’m not a prolific poster or interactee, preferring to hover on the sidelines, get involved where I feel a connection either to a discussion or an image. Lately, pretty much this whole month though I have not gotton involved at all, almost to the point of neot logging in or visiting either profile. Also wondering Why? I am on these sites. It all feels like a chore to keep them updated with nothing much, along with the blog on my main website and my Witterings on my other site.

I am actually doing well to make posts on my Witterings site - it feels much more me, even if my eye’s are the only ones that see any of it.! It feels like I can begin to find an outlet for those small thoughts that continually make their presence felt through my other self. When I am thinking as the real me, it feels that it is a carthatic process, one that helps by transposing those utterings, witterings.

  • social-media
  • exposure
  • need
© matthew@analoguelife | 2024-01-23 14:09