
Analogue witterings…

Sowing Seeds

Hoping for some early salad greens…

Sowed a batch of salad greens, mostly Mustards, plus some winter Lettuce today.

The plan is to construct a mini-cloche over the raised bed to give some added protection and increase any solar gain to warm the soil. The bed is in the front of the house anyway where it gets a lot of light and sun.

Using the money already spent on seeds and compost, so that I don’t have to consider that aspect. Otherwise I would not really bother. I have not had much, if any, motivation to grow anything since losing my mum and not really knowing what I will be doing in the next few days, never mind the next few weeks or months.

Anyway, so long as the voles and mice don’t devour anything that germinates, I will have some spring greens by April.

  • seeds
  • veg
  • early-sowing
© matthew@analoguelife | 2024-02-06 13:38