Decided to move my code repository
From GitHub to Codeberg…
Github is a commercial based operation and while very good at what it does there are now more choices available for storing code in the FOSS domain. Codeberg is one such place.
So I decided to migrate my code over - a pain free process using Codebergs built in tool. Less pain free was getting the domains addresses set up, with some contridictory info on two different Codeberg web pages.! Eventually worked it out though, but then had to wait for the new domains to propogate, can be quite quick, but there seemed to be a delay for me last night, however this morning my .xyz site is back online.
Now to transfer my work and personal sites. A bit more involved as I use other services to build these Eleventy based files to the final websites, so need to work out how to build locally then just a straightforward upload of the htnml files.
© matthew@analoguelife | 2024-01-05 10:35