
Analogue witterings…

Baking a Cake

Lemon Drizzle cake just finishing in the oven.

I need sweet things every so often. Over the years I have managed to curtail a lot of the sugar intake my sweet tooth craves.

I’ve not made a Lemon Drizzle for a couple of years, at least..! The recipe is so easy to remember:

Six, Six, Four, Four, Two, Two easy to remember.

Mix the dry ingredients. Rub in the butter. Zest the lemons, mix into the ingredients. Mix in the Milk & Eggs.

Pour into a greased and lined loaf tin. Bake at approx 175 degrees for 20 - 30 minutes. Let cool. Juice the lemons and drizzle over the cake. Dust with Icing Sugar OR make a runny Icing Sugar mix and drizzle over.

EAT, maybe share if you have to.!

  • cake
  • baking
  • lemonDrizzle
© matthew@analoguelife | 2024-01-13 15:18