
Analogue witterings…

Applied for a job today

Working with Classic Boats and Young People

Sent off the application (CV & Letter) for a job position in Norfolk. Based on the Broads.

It would mean a BIG change in life if it comes off. But that is what I need really. A total change of location, focus and sphere of influence. Currently the role is for two years, then a review based on funding mostly. Two years would be enough though.!

If I can sell my house within those two years, reduce all I own to a minimal amount. Then buy my boat and just sail, literally into my state pension (whatever there is.)

And the heat-pump is playing up. First time in almost 3 years that it has done so..! I have no heating, but do have hot-water

  • jobhunt
  • heat-pump
© matthew@analoguelife | 2024-02-12 19:23