
Analogue witterings...

An expedition into using BASH

Inspired by:

Many aspects of my life are moving steadily towards a simpler way of living. I need this to stay sane in a maddening World.

I’ve decided that for 2024, maybe beyond, that I will keep a ‘blog’ of the random stuff in my head, mediocre happenings in my life etc. The kind of stuff that most other folks certainly aren’t interested in really.!

To do this I have also decided to take the very little I know about programming (all HTML & CSS) and learn to use the shell - BASH shell to be precise. I already use an Arch Linux based system, so a few of the command line usage is familiar to me. In addition to BASH I am also going to make use of Pandoc and HTML templates to convert and present this ‘blog’.

I’m not a Programmer as said above…

© matthew@analoguelife | 2023-12-29 21:26