
Analogue witterings…

I finally escaped today

I made it across the water and down the very wet road to Fort William. It was a bit of a grim, chilly day, but I needed to get in fresh supplies from the supermarket etc.

I’ve not managed to get out since mid-December when we were stormed in with a combination of that weather and holiday scheduling. Almost two weeks.!

One of my worries was that the car would not start. Need not have worried as the 45 year old little thing was as reliable as ever… Started first time and ran sweet as, especially on the return with a fresh tank of fuel and additive.

I’d booked the early afternoon boat back and the first boat out this morning at 0800. But, I had quite a bad nights sleep and was wide awake and up at just before 0500. I’m feeling pretty knackered roight now at 1800, but if I have an early night to catch up I’ll just be awake early again. Better to stay up late and then sleep in late tomorrow if required.

Boat was rammed this morning with New Years tourists heading out, quieter this afternoon with just a few locals.

© matthew@analoguelife | 2024-01-03 17:19