
Analogue witterings…

Feeling quite chuffed

Working on real-world applications makes..

a big difference to me. It really helps with keeping focus.

When I made this blogging app the HTML & CSS were nothing new, I’ve been using both languages in some way for a few years, albeit at a hobby level.

Starting out with Python, I wondered whether I would/could stay the course. Having some goals in the form of projects is the difference.

This blog is basically a menu driven process that uploads to the web - the python part invokes a couple of functions to convert Markdown to HTML and then puts files in respective places before uploading. The next app has been my ToDo app - a common starter project for many. My take was to use the todo.txt version of a semantic layout around which I structured the functions in python.

Currently I am enjoying programs written for use in the terminal, and I wrote my ToDo app to function there also. A downside to this is if I want to give access to the apps to other people. It takes a bit of knowledge in getting the app set up on a users machine and relies on them being comfortable with the process behind making a programme work. Most folks want a pretty app that works via a GUI these days. Only the Chads want to regress..!

Now, what to create next…

  • code
  • python
  • life
© matthew@analoguelife | 2024-01-18 17:40